Ensemble Energy Wins AWEA Predictive Analytics Competition 🎯

Mar 07, 2018

Last week, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) hosted a “Shark Tank” styled session at its annual O&M and Safety Conference in San Diego, CA.

AWEA solicited presentations from advanced data analytics companies in advance of the event, and selected five companies to present the benefits of their respective technologies to the wind industry.

After each company gave a two-minute pitch on their technologies, three finalists were selected to advance. Each of the three finalists then gave a 10-minute presentation on their technology to a panel of four “sharks.” These decision-making sharks were executives from leading wind companies, including:

  • Andrea Miller, VP Asset Management, Apex Clean Energy
  • Chris Shugart, SVP Operations, Pattern Energy
  • Gerrud Wallaert, VP Regional Operation, E.ON
  • Krys Rootham, VP Operations, Acciona Energy

We are delighted to announce that Ensemble Energy was chosen as the winner of the contest. In our presentation, we provided a detailed description of their hybrid approach, which combines data science with wind-turbine expertise, maximizing the benefits to wind operators. Case studies discussed in the presentation included main-bearing failure prevention and pitch-bearing failure detection.

With all of the great companies that competed in the Shark Tank session, it is an honor to have been selected by this distinguished panel as the winner. We are looking forward to partnering with our customers to reduce cost and increase energy production.  

- Dr. Sandeep Gupta Founder & CEO, Ensemble Energy

Dr. Gupta is a 15-year wind industry veteran, and a leading expert on wind-turbine controls, loads analysis, and performance optimization.

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